While the technical detail & recommendations contained in this document and the related details given by the representatives of the company correspond to the best of our knowledge & experience, all the above information must in any case be considered as merely indicative and subject to confirmation. Users are recommended to conduct a product suitability test before it is used at full scale. In any case, the consumer alone is entirely liable for any consequences resulting from using the product. Our company policy is one of on-going R&D. therefor we reserve the right to update this information without prior notice at any time. As the correct identification of the difficulties, the quality of other materials used, on-site environmental conditions and the workmanship on-site are factors beyond our control, there is no express or implied guarantee/warranty as to the results achieved. Suggestions made either verbally or in writing by the company may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor, since they are solely responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application. The information herein is based upon the excellent information available at the time of printing.